From Japan, the technique that burns wood in order to protect it.
Literally “burned cedar planks”, it’s an ancient Japanese carpentry technique that involves the burning of the wood, using a flame. It’s a protective processing making the wood extremely durable, even more than 100 years.
The wood, charred on the surface, takes on a dark, blackened, interesting and innovative hue, for refined design intentions. On the outdoor coverings, exposed to weather, it changes color over time, slightly lightening.

This technique is recommended in situations deemed risky for the wood, such as outdoor environments in contact with water and exposed to sunlight.

Shou sugi ban
Japanese carpenters used this technique since very ancient times, that has been refined, reaching maturity around 700.
In recent years this technique has been rediscovered and re-evaluated, brought into the spotlight by important architects, who appreciated its precious protective and aesthetic features, with the added value of sustainability.
It’s a completely sustainable and eco-friendly treatment: wood burned with a flame is later brushed and protected with a special oil.
It makes the wood fire and weather resistant (water, salt), improving the performances.

Fire resistance
Burning wood to make it fireproof? Exactly like that. The flame absorbs the moisture of the fibers, closes the pores and makes the surface hard and compact. A natural covering that increases the ability to resist fire.
Water resistance
Wood is a porous and permeable material. Thus, it has the ability to release or absorb moisture, until it finds a balance with its surroundings. If it’s been in prolonged contact with water and in the presence of stagnations, it can be a breeding ground for the growth of fungi that in the long-term lead to rotting and the death of the material.
The dark and burned external layer gives a waterproofing feature. This is because the flame evaporates the moisture contained in wood and closes its pores, preventing the water from entering.
No fungi, insects and termites
Wood is a natural and organic material. It’s therefore subject to biological degradation, fungi and attacks from xylophagous insects. Particularly if the humidity is above 20%. Insect are very fond of sugars present in the form of cellulose (polysaccharide). The sugars combustion preserves the wood and makes it inappetible to insects.
Dark aesthetic
Carbonization blackens wood. The result will be a dark color, brown/black from intense to vivid, according to the degree of burning and the type of oil/resin applied as finish.
Over the last years, this visually striking aspect has seduced and captivated many European and North American architects and designers, who used this technique for design objects, furnishing elements and outdoor covering of buildings.
Low maintenance
LEGNO DI VAIA processed this way doesn’t need further treatments for its life cycle. Except for a regular cleaning, it can be left exposed to any weather condition.
respect for the environment
The product is the responsible choice towards the environment since it comes from sustainable woods. The treatment doesn’t use any toxin, it doesn’t generate waste that need to be discarded and contributes to the preservation of rainforests.
The product doesn’t need any particular method of disposal,
after use it can be disposed like any other untreated natural wood.
It improves the properties of the wood
It’s a completely sustainable and eco-friendly treatment: wood burned with a flame is later brushed and protected with a special oil.