12 reasons
Why choose Vaia Plus
1. Duration
The innovative combination of wood flour and polyethylene gives exceptional standards of resistance to the elements
2. Resistance
VAIA PLUS is resistant to salt corrosion and moulds.
3. No chipping
Vaia Plus is made with a composite wood polymer, unscrtachable and chipping-proof.
4. No fungi, mold and insects
Thanks to its inherent characteristics this product is extremely resistant to rot, fungi and insects, thus having a long life cycle.
5. No insects and termites
No damages from wood insects and termites. Wood insects don’t recognize the product as food source.
6. No toxicity
No metal, extraneous oil, biocidal product or any other toxic substance is utilized in the production cycle making the product harmless to people and animals.
7. VOC free
It doesn't release polluting substances.
8. Low maintenance
Thanks to its dimensional stability it doesn’t need further treatment for its life cycle, and except for a regular cleaning, it can be left exposed to any weather condition.
9. Production flexibility
With custom cuts in order to reduce the percentage of waste on the construction site.
10. Textured surface
The softness of the finish and the warm nuances of color of the whole line make the VAIA PLUS products comparable to traditional wood.
11. Non-slip finishings
Essential for flooring, the VAIA PLUS decking has two finishes, a brushed one and a grooved one which can be chosen indifferently according to taste and needs.
12. Sustainable disposal
The product can be recycled in order to produce itself several times.
A technological material mix
VAIA PLUS is a harmonic and functional combination of beauty and wood texture and the longevity of the recycled polymeric material. In the formula composition the wood percentage gives our products a natural, material and warm look.
The right percentage of plastic matrix makes this composite wood a highly technological product.
VAIA PLUS is the perfect solution for outdoor floorings and coverings, where you want to keep the warmth and prestige of wood reducing the maintenance costs and optimizing the performance.


EARTH brushed finish

COFFEE brushed finish

LAVA grooved and brushed finish

STONE brushed finish
Vaia Plus products

Sezione 219x26mm

Sezione 219x26mm

Sezione 219x26mm

Sezione 219x26mm

Sezione 219x26mm

