10 reasons
Why choose Il legno di Vaia
1. More resistant
The impregnation treatment increases the resistance up to 60% without decreasing the bending or elasticity capacity.
2. Harder
The treatment doubles the wood density. Increased hardness implies less dents, scratches and damages on the surface.
3. Dimensional stability
The dimensional stability of the wood is determined by the ability to absorb humidity without undergoing changes. Despite being subject to slight dimensional changes,
This product has a high stability, since thanks to its treatment, it’s less susceptible to the effects of water, in particular swelling and contractions.
4. Durable
It has a greater resistance to degradation caused by UV rays, which can cause discoloration and premature aging of wood. Classified in the durability class.
5. No alteration
Thanks to the treatment the humidity doesn’t penetrate the wood pores making it very resistant to rot, fungi and molds.
6. No toxicity
No metal, extraneous oil, biocidal product or any other toxic substance is utilized in the production cycle making the product harmless to people and animals.
7. No damages from insects
No damages from wood insects and termites. Wood insects don’t recognize the product as food source.
8. Low maintenance
The treatment carried out on the product penetrates to the core and thanks to its dimensional stability it doesn’t need further treatment for its life cycle.
9. Respect for the environment
The product is the responsible choice towards the environment since it comes from sustainable woods.
The treatment doesn’t utilize any toxin, doesn’t generate waste that needs to be discarded and contributes to the preservation of rainforests.
10. Disposal
The product doesn’t need any particular method of disposal, after use it can be disposed like any other untreated natural wood.
Some of the projects made with the products LEGNO DI VAIA of S-WOOD

Private house

Green Pea / Turin
Legno di Vaia products